Gratitude, Nov. 23, 2023

red sunrise over mountainsA friend just called to ask me if I was going to do my Annual 108 things I’m grateful for. So this is first for her.

Years ago I was challenged by a spiritual man, Rev. Guy Williams, to write down 100 things I was grateful for every day. I soon discovered I’d rather name them while walking and grabbed a rosary from my home alter. It happened to be a Buddhist rosary which apparently hasĀ  108 beads – I’ve never counted.

This morning I woke up to the reddest sunrise I’ve ever seen. Hence the picture above which only hints at what I saw. So here we go:

  1. Sunrise
  2. Sunset
  3. Cait
  4. Loki the black cat
  5. Avalanche, theĀ  piebald cat with blue eyes
  6. Tia the dog
  7. My landlady who has let me stay even though I’m way behind on my rent.
  8. Brenda
  9. My kids:
  10. Linda
  11. Mike
  12. Steve and the grandkids
  13. Emily
  14. Ben
  15. Cole
  16. Valery
  17. Dan
  18. Suzanne
  19. Victoria in Chicago
  20. Phillip
  21. hummingbirds
  22. Stacey
  23. Gloria
  24. wild finches
  25. doves
  26. eagles
  27. Red tail hawks
  28. Cormorants
  29. Seagulls
  30. Pelicans
  31. Salmon
  32. Tuna
  33. Sunfish
  34. Halibut
  35. Sharks
  36. Sea snakes
  37. Turtles
  38. Dolphin
  39. Oceans
  40. Land of all sorts
  41. Water
  42. Hot water
  43. Fresh water
  44. Clean air
  45. Meds to help my breathing
  46. My ability to walk up at least 5 flights of stairs over the course of a day.
  47. Dr. D.
  48. Dr. Peace
  49. The Zen Center
  50. Dianna
  51. Herb
  52. Ando
  53. Doshin
  54. Brenda
  55. Shawn
  56. Jennifer
  57. Florida Victoria
  58. Jamie
  59. Jason
  61. AI
  62. ChatGPT – try it
  63. AI Lab nightly on TikToc
  64. Michael Ann
  65. Carol
  66. Thomas
  67. Keto
  68. Loss of most migraines
  69. Music of all sorts
  70. Pianos
  71. Good mattresses
  72. Electric blankets and throws
  73. Ellie
  74. Emily of Scrutineers
  75. Trish
  76. Fredrick
  77. Claudia
  78. Dudley
  79. Toulouse
  80. MzTiz
  81. Patricia
  82. TigerLilly
  83. Jennifer
  84. Dianna
  85. Bobby
  86. Seisen
  87. Rev. Kevin
  88. Jill
  89. Shelia
  90. Electricity
  91. Computers
  92. Gas for cars
  93. Gas for stoves
  94. Gas for heat
  95. The San Diego Zoo
  96. Balboa Park
  97. Studio 6 in Spanish Village
  98. World Beat Center
  99. Chris
  100. Skip
  101. 12 Step Programs
  102. Enjoyment of the out doors
  103. Walking
  104. Washing machines
  105. Dryers
  106. Refrigerators
  107. Dark chocolate
  108. Sewer systems!
  109. Ackshay
  110. Cathy M.
  111. Lori W.
  112. Paula

I could go on, but this is enough

Be grateful often,

Anne Wayman, freelance writer

Yes, I bringing this site back – see the front page for my goals. And if you want to sign up for my newsletter leave your email in comments. I haven’t gotten the autoresponder to work yet.


Photo by PaDxson Woelber on Unsplash



0 thoughts on “Gratitude, Nov. 23, 2023”

    1. I dunno if the world needs another social network, I don’t at the moment. But it looks legit. If you try it let me know how it is, and if it’s helpful or not.

  1. Hi Anne,
    When I saw, “Anne Wayman restarts”, I had to click and read. I started receiving your newsletters somewhere around 2010! Time flies.

    It would be great to restart. Some of your article titles stuck with me, like “White Privilege and Thanksgiving” and “Decluttering for Writers”. I used to look forward to receiving your newsletters because I knew I would find useful information.

    I was disappointed when I couldn’t find some of the links I had saved to read again.

    1. The White Privilege article is actually on Medium which I find a valuable place to read and to write – I’ll do an article on the platform. The 108 things I’m grateful for is an annual tradition. Some find it valuable. I don’t remember decluttering and I don’t find it on Medium… any idea where you found it?

      the actual link to the site is and there are only 4 or 5 articles.

      If you have suggestions about what to write I’d love to hear them.


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